Information & Public Relations

NCST Member Dg. Nirupam Chakma accorded grand welcome at Kamalanagar

Kamalanagar, November 7, 2024: Dg. Nirupam Chakma, Hon’ble Member of the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST), was accorded a grand traditional welcome upon his arrival at Kamalanagar today. This is his first official visit to CADC since his appointment as a member of the NCST. He was accompanied by Dg. Dilip Kanti Chakma, Legal Consultant, and Dgb. Parna Chakma, PA.

Dg. Nirupam Chakma was received at the Kamalanagar helipad by Dg. Ananta Bikash Chakma, i/c CEM; Dg. Molin Kumar Chakma, Adviser to CEM; Dg. Sundar Muni Chakma, Deputy Chairman; Dg. Pronit Bikash Chakma, Executive Secretary and other high-ranking officials of the Chakma Autonomous District Council (CADC).

Addressing the gathering shortly after his arrival, Dg. Nirupam Chakma expressed gratitude to the CADC authority, local NGOs, and the public for the warm reception. He informed the purpose of his visit was to lay the ground work for the upcoming visit of the full NCST team in January, 2025. He also invited the public and civil society organizations to share their concerns and assured that he would take their grievances and concerns to the appropriate authorities.

He will start meeting public, local NGOs, and civil society organizations and representatives of village councils tomorrow from 8:00 AM. In the afternoon, he will meet the district administrations from Chawngte sub-division and thereafter the CEM, Chairman, EMs, and MDCs of CADC. Prior to his planned departure on the 14th of November, he also plans to visit tribal villages for inspection of the implementation of various development programs within CADC.

Notification inviting sealed tender for public auction to lease out CADC Brick Kiln

The Executive Committees of the Chakma Autonomous District Council is pleased to invite Sealed Tender Notice for public auction to lease out the CADC Brick Kiln, Brick Making Machine and other equipments located at Udalthana-l for a period of 5(five) years with effect from 2024-2025 to 2028-2029. Interested persons are invited to take part in the auction to be held on 22nd October, 2024 at 12:00 Noon in the Office chamber of the District Industry Officer, Chakma Autonomous District Council
Kamalanagar, Mizoram.

Description of Brick Kiln

Sl. No.ParticularsLocationBricks Capacity
1CADC Bricks KilnUdalthana-I5 lakhs

Please refer the notification below for the Terms & Conditions

CADC to Introduce Mizo Language as Subject in Schools

Kamalanagar, 4th October 2024: In a significant development, the Chakma Autonomous District Council (CADC) has decided to introduce Mizo as a subject in schools within its jurisdiction. The decision was made during the Executive Committee meeting of the 11th CADC held earlier today (October 4, 2024).

As per the decision, Mizo subject will be taught in all government-managed, local body, and Samagra Shiksha schools from the primary to upper levels within the CADC.
To facilitate this, the CADC will recruit Mizo language teachers once necessary funding is received from the Government of Mizoram.

The Education Department, CADC, has been advised to submit proposal to the state government for allocation of fund to CADC for implementing the decision.

Notification inviting applications for subsidies under RKVY-DRP for 2023-24 (2nd Installment)

The District Council Agriculture Officer (DCAO) of Chakma Autonomous District Council is pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for subsidies on agricultural machineries (Pumping Set) under RKVY-DRP for the financial year 2023-2024 (2nd Installment). This initiative aims to enhance agricultural productivity.

Eligibility: All farmers or WRC/Garden Pass holder under CADC are eligible to apply for subsidies on specified agricultural machinery.

Auntor Chakma appointed Vice President of DSEB

In exercise of powers conferred under Rule 16(1)(a)(b) read with Rule 19(2) of the Chakma Autonomous District Council (District School Education Board) Rules, 2002, the Executive Committee of Chakma Autonomous District Council is pleased to appoint Shri Auntor Chakma S/o Ananda Mohan Chakma of Borapansury-II as Vice-President of District School Education Board for a period of 1 (one) year with immediate effect.

Revised Office Timings of CADC Offices w.e.f. October 2024

In the interest of public service, the Executive Committee of Chakma Autonomous District Council is pleased to notify that the office working hours on all 5 (five) working days (Monday to Friday) during Winter Season and Summer Season for the offices of Chakma Autonomous District Council shall be as shown below:

Sl. No.PlacesWinter TimingsSummer Timings
1st October, 2024
14th February, 2025
17th February, 2025
3rd October, 2025
1CADC Offices9:00 AM to 4:00 PM9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
2CADC Rest Houses, viz.Aizawl, Lunglei & Lawngtlai9:00 AM to 4:00 PM9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Nira Kumar Chakma to hold charge as DCSO

The Executive Committee of Chakma Autonomous District Council is pleased to order transfer and posting of Shri Nira Kumar Chakma, R&SO from Land Revenue & Settlement Department to Sericulture Department to hold the charge of the District Council Sericulture Officer (DCSO) with immediate effect.

Shri Daya Raj Chakma to function as i/c ARDO

The Executive Committee of Chakma Autonomous District Council is pleased to order Shri Daya Raj Chakma, ARDO to function as in charge Rural Development Officer (RDO) in addition to his duties in his existing pay and without any extra financial benefit with immediate effect and until further order.