Hand Book on ‘Composite Fish Culture System’ released

Kamalanagar, 25 March, 2021: A hand book on ‘Composite Fish Culture System’ published by Fishery Department, Chakma Autonomous District Council was released today by Dg. Rasik Mohan Chakma, Chief Executive Member, CADC, witnessed by Dg. H. Amaresh Chakma, Chairman, CADC and Dg. Lakhi Dhan Chakma, Executive Member, CADC in a function organised in the CADC Conference Hall, Kamalanagar.

Hon’ble CEM, CADC releasing the book on composite fish culture

The programme was also attended by HODs of CADC and fish farmers from different villages.

Dg. Rasik Mohan Chakma while speaking in the programme emphasized for adoption of land based economy for economic development of the area given the availability of land and poor economic condition of the people.

He further added, “We are traditionally poor and so need to identify such trades which require less investment but fetches return within a year. Accordingly we have identified wet rice cultivation, fishery, piggery and poultry to be emphasised.”

He said that the Fishery Department has been further equipped with six persons having been successfully trained recently as Fishery Demonstrator.

“Our endevour is to make ourselves self-sufficient in fish production and cut the demand for fish from Silchar which is estimated to be more than Rs.50 lakh per month in terms of cost”, he stressed while pointing to the economic benefit the community would gain if the demand can be met by the local fish farmers.

For the benefit of the fish farmers he proposed that introduction of digital helpline can be contemplated in the near future.

He has urged for professionalism in every walks of life while regretting the lack of it in our people whether it is the politician, a government service employee, a business man or a farmer.

Dg. H. Nutan Chakma, DFDO in his brief report stated that the Hand book would be useful for the fish farmers which have been prepared in Chakma language using Bengali script in addition to an English version keeping in view of the old generation who are more familiar with Bengali.

He said, “The Hand book would provide technical knowhow on composite fish culture at zero cost on the part of the farmer”.

He has explained that composite fish culture is rearing of different species of fish together for which right knowledge about selection of compatible species is important so that predatory species are excluded.