New CEM, CADC Dg. Rasik Mohan Chakma take tour around Kamalanagar town

Kamalanagar, 23 January 2019: In an effort towards a clean Kamalanagar, Dangu Rasik Mohan Chakma, CEM, CADC on his third day into office went around Kamalanagar town accompanied by the Deputy Chairman, his colleague MDCs, Executive Secretary, Local Administration Officer and I&PRO to inspect unauthorized sites of dumping ground around the town.

He also visited the slaughter house, bazar building and its surrounding areas. The LAO was instructed to ensure removal of all garbage from all unauthorized dumping sites and take measure to stop further disposal. He wanted all men-power available under LAD to be deployed for maintaining a clean and garbage free Kamalanagar.

“No rubbish should remain littered around in the vegetable market building after every bazar day”, he instructed.

He wanted the LAD to prepare a plan and estimate for construction of a bazar building to replace the dilapidated one standing beside the main bazar building.